
One-On-One Speech Therapy

Speech Success Academy's experienced and highly trained speech therapy staff specializes in a variety of speech therapy needs including:

Receptive Language

How a child understands his environment

Expressive Language

How a child uses sounds, words, and gestures to communicate wants and needs



How a child uses speech sounds in words and phrases

Phonological Processes

How a child understands the rules of putting sounds together to make words


Apraxia of Speech (“motor planning”)

Therapy to improve processing a “message” from brain to mouth

Auditory Processing Disorder

How a child understands or misunderstands auditory input

Pragmatic Language

How a child interacts in social settings

Hearing Loss/Aural Rehabilitation

How a child with a hearing impairment understands & interacts in his environment


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Therapy to improve a child’s communication challenges due to this disorder

Sensory Integration

Therapy to improve how a child processes and reacts to sensations

Oral Motor

How a child’s oral structure functions, including strength and coordination

Feeding Therapy

Immature or delayed oral motor or swallowing skills

Cleft Lip/Palate

Therapy to help a child overcome speech difficulties due to cleft lip or cleft palate



How a child produces sounds, words, and phrases with fluency

Voice Disorders

When a child presents with poor vocal quality


The Speech Success Formula

One-On-One Therapy

Your child will receive personal one-on-one attention from the same caring, familiar therapist for the entire course of their therapy.

Deeply Qualified Team

In partnership with Nyman Associates, our team has more than 40 years of experience helping children overcome their speech challenges.

A Team Approach

Every team member at Speech Success Academy from reception through accounting has a speech pathology background. We understand you and the challenges your family faces.

Pediatric Speech Therapy
From Home

It’s not always easy to get the help your
child needs and still keep your family safe.

We’ve perfected the speech therapy  Telepractice
concept to bring our one-on-one speech therapy
methods direct to your home via the internet.


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